Tuesday, 28 July 2015

#52weeksofWE - Stones, 30 of 52

This is about as personal as it is going to get for these themes, but I just couldn't pass up the opportunity for a situational, tongue-in-cheek take on what I am currently going through. Early Sunday morning I woke up (about 3:30 AM) to some mild discomfort in my lower back. This mild discomfort turned into the worst pain I have ever felt in my life, complete with writhing, groaning, and nausea. At about 6:30 I was in the Emergency Department on a morphine drip, being diagnosed with kidney stones. The amusing part - that is, after the blinding pain turned into a dull roar - was that I was reading an ironically titled book that my wife happened to bring in with us to the hospital, namely "Stones" by Timothy Findley. She took a shot of this on my hospital bed when I was off having a CT scan done. The picture is featured as the graphic for this week.
This week's theme is "Stones" in celebration of my newest friend. Feel free to take this theme in whatever direction you like.
Submit your photos on Flickr or Facebook, and send the picture files to me if you want them to be featured on my weekly reflections: essex.masqueATgmailDOTcom

Friday, 24 July 2015

Biking in the Rubble, Reflections around the Halfway Point - Weeks 26 and 27

 "Demolition Detail, Windsor Raceway" by Patrick Firth
With the amount of construction and demolition going on it is surprising the the cyclists out there aren't running into more rubble. The twisted girders of the Windsor Raceway seem to grasp at the flow of traffic like a drowning hand. The bricks and mortar of the Tunnel BBQ and other downtown buildings press up against chain link fencing, as if ready to burst onto the street.

Unfortunately, there is a lot you have to avoid on your bike, and not just sinister looking buildings in the process of demolition. One of the pictures from week 27 brings a solemn reminder of how dangerous it can be on a bike in Windsor and other towns in Essex. Paul took a picture of what he later discovered was a "Ghost Bicycle," "a memorial to a fallen bicyclist" in Lasalle. 

"White Bicycle, Lasalle, ON" by Paul Thibodeau
There are many conversations happening right now about making Windsor - an automotive city historically designed for the movement of automobile traffic - more pedestrian friendly. Check out the links following the featured photos for ways that you can join in and share your opinion, or talk to the experts on bike safety. 

I will say it again. It is a very exciting time to be in Windsor - Essex. The city is being reshaped. I hope that the old and the contemporary can exist in harmony, where retrofitting and renovation are prioritized over slash and burn, while the streets and streetscapes are harmonized with the many ways we choose to move around our cities. We have to get out and eat at all of our fancy markets, restaurants, and cafes, right? Sorry, I have our current theme on my mind, "Gastronomy 101."

Without further ado:
Here is the description for week 26:

We are at the halfway point in the year, and the last few weeks have seen a lot of changes to the bricks and mortar of Windsor. The Tunnel Barbecue and the Windsor Raceway are coming down. The Welcome Centre at the University of Windsor is going up, not to mention the new college and university campuses springing up in the downtown core. You may even be one of the Herb Gray Parkway trailblazers to burn rubber down newborn asphalt. Capture demolition and construction this week, and be part of the changing face of Windsor – Essex.
"Past the Post, Windsor, ON" by Paul Thibodeau

Untitled by April Particelli

 Here is the description for week 27:
Like many things in my life, my bicycle is currently in pieces buried in the detritus of unsorted furniture and Rubbermaid bins in my garage. However, I hear that bicycles are wonderful things. Not only are they good exercise and a “green” means of transportation, there has been a lot of conversation in Windsor about being a bike friendly city. Take pictures of unique bikes and bicycle friendly infrastructure this week. I will also accept photos of motorcycles, but my whole “good exercise” and “green” conversation goes right out the window then.
"Untitled" by Shari
"this bike has been ticketed!!!!!" by Laura Arce
"TheTreeAndBicycle" by April Particelli
"'Cylces wheel detail" by Patrick Firth
As promised, here are some links.
As always, check out the Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr page for other shots from the week, plus other random updates and musings. Also, join in! Just saying.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

#52weeksofWE - Gastronomy 101, 29 of 52

I know you have all been waiting for it - an excuse to take a picture of your food. Well here it is. Feel free to celebrate the food of Windsor - Essex this week. I expect that there will be many opportunities, but if you are at a loss, check out the Twitter and Facebook feeds for places to consult with for especially photogenic food. My wife and I will be at the Walkerville Art Walk this weekend, and I can only guess that there may be one or two morsels to capture before you pop them in your mouths.
(To be completely transparent, the photo is actually from my time in South Korea, but I expect you could still get something similar in Windsor)
Submit your photos on Flickr or Facebook, and send the picture files to me if you want them to be featured on my weekly reflections: essex.masqueATgmailDOTcom

Monday, 13 July 2015

Simply Red, Reflections on Week 25 of 52

The week of #Windsor180 inspired me to type out a blog post immediately. Simply Red was inspiring, but apparently not in the same way. Here I am though, albeit a couple of weeks later, with the featured shots of this more accessible challenge to find something red and highlight it.

The last time I had a beard, a really good one mind you, was when I was on a parental leave. I merely have scruff now. I bring this up because I want to acknowledge my respect and esteem for a good beard, which is why the first shot I am featuring this week is Shari's red beard shot. Thank you to the photographer and model for joining in on the fun.

 Untitled by Shari

We were also treated to bugs, flowers, doors, and crosses. 

"Red Cross" by LauritaBonita

Untitled by April Particelli

"Red Church Doors, Windsor ON" by 
Paul Thibodeau
"Red Spring at Queen Elizabeth Park" by 
Frank Shepley
My personal favourite this week was the shot taken of the Detroit – Windsor fireworks, a truly multi-coloured event book-ended by the threat of severe weather. This was a fantastic capture of a red burst of vibrant colour that lit up Detroit (the river and city) with a beautiful wash of smoke beneath.
 "Windsor Detroit Fireworks" by Steve Biro
I have noticed a trend in my challenge shots – namely, I am less happy with the “themed” shots than with the photographs I have done while on my photographic sessions. The red was not quite as vibrant as I had hoped. Maybe I can blame how basic my digital dark room is.

"Simply Red by the River" by Patrick Firth

This was the week before the halfway point of our year. I’m looking forward to many more shots and opportunities to come. Again, it is never too late to join. Find the challenge on Flickr and Facebook as usual, and feel free to share the stories that go with the shots.

#52weeksofWE - Theme 28, #Crossborderlove

A majority of my life has been spent living in border cities. Truth be told, I crossed the border much more when I was younger (trips to big box electronic stores before they existed in Canada) than now. However, with all the great things I see going on in Detroit, I expect that I am missing out a bit. Windsor - Essex is a space for many potentialities – many opportunities for cross-border love – that are not necessarily restricted to photographing the Renaissance Centre from across the river. What does the theme mean for you this week? And if this is an excuse to cross the border and snap some shots of our neighbours to the “south,” that is good too!

Submit your photos on Flickr or Facebook, and send the picture files to me if you want them to be featured on my weekly reflections: essex.masqueATgmailDOTcom

Monday, 6 July 2015

#52weeksofWE - Theme 27, 'Cycles

Like many things in my life, my bicycle is currently in pieces buried in the detritus of unsorted furniture and Rubbermaid bins in my garage. However, I hear that bicycles are wonderful things. Not only are they good exercise and a “green” means of transportation, there has been a lot of conversation in Windsor about being a bike friendly city. Take pictures of unique bikes and bicycle friendly infrastructure this week. I will also accept photos of motorcycles, but my whole “good exercise” and “green” conversation goes right out the window then.
Submit your photos on Flickr or Facebook, and send the picture files to me if you want them to be featured on my weekly reflections: essex.masqueATgmailDOTcom