Thursday, 11 December 2014

#52weeksofWE - A Windsor - Essex 52 Week Photo Challenge

Consider the following a little bit of advertising for yet another new venture of mine. While I would wait to do this, I want to start "recruiting" for this group before the holidays take over and the new year begins.

 Autumn Stairs by Me

Just look through some of the Flickr groups out there on Windsor – Essex photography, and the beauty and vibrancy of this place – in a place not typically described as “beautiful” – is highlighted by professional and amateur photographers alike. Consider this an invitation in celebrating the life of Windsor – Essex, in weekly intervals… You may have heard of these photography ‘challenges.’ I would not attempt to subject you to a 365 day photographic slog through Windsor – Essex, but I figure that the 52 week challenge would be manageable for most.

This is my vision. I will create a group and you photographers out there will be encouraged to post one picture per week. Each week would have a theme, which would be introduced every Sunday or Monday, for example. I do not plan on being tyrannical and would accept a picture even if it was off-theme, but I figure the theme thing would be fun. They would of course be broad, and open to interpretation.

I encourage you to give me feedback about the running of the group, possible themes, and any other ideas that may come to you as the group evolves (if that is the right word). Rest assured, I will be the only member if needs be, but I hope this idea catches on and we can all get into this 52 week challenge.

I encourage you to use the tag #52weeksofWE on the photos you submit.

If you are interested, or know someone who is, pass the word along. For those who are not Flickr fans, I also run the following sites and would be more than happy to feature the 52 week challenge on any and all of these social media platforms with everybody’s permission. You can find the links below this message.
Please email me at: if you have any questions. I will also start up an email list to communicate the weekly theme if you prefer that as well. I intend to make the group active on January 5th, 2015.

Here is the website for the actual group:

Happy shooting, and I look forward to 2015.

Twitter: @EssexMasque

P.S. I also have another Flickr group called, Pictures with a Story ( Feel free to check it out and contribute if you are in the habit of attaching a story to your pictures, which I would encourage everyone to do.

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