Monday, 12 January 2015

#52weeksofWE - Where there's smoke, Theme 2 of 52

… there isn’t always fire. Something about smoke (clouds, vapour, etc) in the winter strikes me as especially beautiful. It just seems more crisp, defined. And on my commute into work, which takes me through west end Windsor by Windsor Salt, there is a lot of it. Sure, you may cringe about what is causing and being effected by the less than natural clouds, but they do lend themselves to being captured by a person with a camera. Feel free to be creative with this one as well. Is there some way you can play on the expression “where there’s smoke there’s fire” with this week’s photograph? If you choose this route, please provide a brief description so we can all enjoy your unique take on this theme.
Please use the hashtag #52weeksofWE. If you can use the theme and take a shot this week in keeping with a photography challenge!
Go to the Flickr website to submit.
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