Thursday, 26 February 2015

Reflection - (Ahem) Reflection on the 7th Week of 52

Here is the description for this week’s theme:

Is it just me who has sat in front of a fun house mirror and laughed maniacally for hours? Those surfaces that reflect back the world that we know – the “real” world – with a skinny or fat twist can really capture our imaginations when we are looking through the lens of our cameras, and can fuel our imaginations for a fantastic Windsor – Essex that we don’t normally see unless we take a minute to point our cameras at it.

Eyes are the windows to the soul, but there is still a part of that glassy surface that reflects a little as well. Sometimes we stick little contraptions – made of plastic, or metal and glass lenses - in front of them that reflect even more. Then there are the objects we put in our houses whose express purpose is to reflect back an accurate representation of ourselves, or even open our spaces with the impression that the walls contain a world that is the almost-perfect match to the one we inhabit. Then there are those buildings, sheathed in glass, that offer both a translucent peek into what lies within, while at the same time shadowing and distorting the bricks and mortar of its neighbours – not to mention the asphalt, trees, lights, and sky that flow around it.

Point of View by Laura Arce
 Beagle in the Mirror by Tim Fenn (A Beagle won best in show at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show this week. A reflection of the training or the breeding? Certainly a combination of both. Ours is tenacious, energetic, sometimes stubborn, but mostly lovable.)
This week those surfaces and what they reflected back to our lenses was important to the #52weeksofWE challengers. Again, the challengers ran the full gamut of surfaces, from the reflection of a single eye beautifully captured to a shadow church caught in a building window. From a beagle indifferent to its mirrored twin a foot in front of it, to a city-scape contained in a sunglass lens, the subject of our reflections also went from singular to expansive.
Hugs! by Patrick Firth
As we are going through this challenge, I must admit I look forward to this variety of photographs that reflect our personalities, what captures our interest, and something as mundane as what we had time to do that week. While this was not the first week that has seen the increased allowance of submissions on the Flickr site, I am looking forward to seeing the submissions for week 8’s Hidden Gems theme. The increase, if we choose to, may allow challengers to capture and submit both the singular and expansive as we explore the lesser known beauty of Windsor – Essex.

 Church Tower Reflection on the Westcourt Bldg by Lupita Amaya G.
Reflection off a window 2 by Paul Thibodeau
Include stories if you want. Check out the Facebook page if you would like. Look at the rest of the submissions on Flickr as well. And here is a reminder that it is never too late, nor are you ever to “amateur,” to join in on #52weeksofWE.

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