Friday, 24 April 2015

Labour, Reflection on week 13 of 52 of #52weeksofWE

This is the description for this week's theme:

I hate to be a killjoy, but most of us engage in work or will have to participate in some sort of work in our lives. Unfair? Demanding? I know, but still worthy of a snapshot. I want to be clear that work does not necessarily have a paycheque attached, but is labour nonetheless. Capture something to do with you and your work, or maybe some other poor folk who are working hard while you are snapping shots of them.
"In the Line of Duty" by Frank Shepley
Labour by Lupita Amaya

I would have been surprised that more didn't come in for this week, but as I was taking my photograph for Labour several weeks later, I stop wondering so hard. There are plenty of examples of labour in Windsor - Essex, being an industry town. This week we were treated to workers on scaffolds, The Law on the side of the road, reporters, pianists, and my ode to the railway history at the foot of Aylmer Avenue.
Rail Labour by Patrick Firth

I am looking forward to writing the posts for weeks 14 (Green with ...) and 15 (Fenced Off) as there were a lot of great submissions. To see the rest of the photos submitted go to the Flickr site, and get other #52weeksofWE / arts related news at Facebook.

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