Friday 5 February 2016

Photographic Tale of the Week - War of the Worlds: Nature vs Machine

War of the Worlds: Nature vs Machine by Joe Steinman
My photographic memory - and by photographic, I mean when I actually seriously started taking photos with the purpose of building on my self-taught amateur skills - does not go much past November of 2011. This is not quite five years ago. I can only expect, by the quality and beauty of Joe's work, that he may have been doing it a little longer than I have.

In this work he has used the majesty of the clouds to really bring out an ominous scene, bringing to mind visions of an aftermath of some overwhelming violence. But I will let Joe describe it himself:

It was five years ago when I last made the trip down to Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida. Recently, I journeyed down to my old stomping ground to take some pics at sunset. On the way down the coast, I couldn't believe how much it had changed. It was so built up, with numerous tourist attractions, hotels, hi-rise condominiums... even a tropical theme-based miniature golf course. It's almost like visiting a mini Disney World now!
 Shortly after I arrived at Sand Key, a storm passed through. In its wake, it left some stunning and awesome cloud formations. I turned my camera towards the construction sites looming in the distance, and the stark ground and billowing clouds reminded me of a scene like out of a World War II movie. How appropriate? It's like the scene represents the demolition of our serene and natural beaches, dramatized with explosive, theatrical pyrotechnics!
 Here is the story behind the photo:
 On 7/9/15, I made a trip to Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida to take some nature shots. The weather was quite turbulent with lightning, storms, and clouds. The cloud formations and light were ever-changing and sometimes eerie and amazing! I just kept shooting and shooting and took hundreds of shots. Fortunately when the rain got heavy, I spied an over-sized, partially collapsed tent on the beach nearby [what was THAT doing there?], so I was able to take shelter and keep my precious Canon and Sigma lens from getting too wet [I had left my camera bag in my car parked far away to keep it from getting sandy].
 I took this shot after the storm passed through, sitting on the beach on the sand in my short-pants... note to myself - next time wear a bathing suit at the beach! :). I kept the tripod low to the ground, and took many many shots with slight variations in this position. The rest was nature's work!

I am not yet to the point of presenting these Photographic Tales of the Week in interview format, though it is a thought. However, others are that dedicated and thankfully Joe has already been interviewed by The Photography Workshop. Check out the interview here.

You can also find Joe on his Flickr photostream.

Browse through the Essex Masque blog (you're on it!) for other Photographic Tales of the Week, as well as other randoms that I post. You can also find me on Twitter, Facebook, and my photography on Flickr
Please note that, as ever, do not use the images of the featured photographers without their express permission. I always contact them first.

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