Monday, 25 May 2015

#52weeksofWE - Theme 21 of 52, River Sides

Whether you are catching a show by one, fishing from one, or losing your footing and sliding into one, the sides of rivers can be truly fetching things. Rivers truly are part of our culture in Windsor – Essex, more so than many other places I have lived. Belle River, Detroit River, River Canard, Cedar Creek … that trickle of water behind your house that you have named after yourself. Take a picture of them ALL!

“The River was sure nice to look at, and back then as it is right now it’s a magnet. You can’t help but stand there and stare, the river rolling past with ducks and gulls on its back, the ocean on its mind.” Paul Vasey, The River

Submit your photos on Flickr or Facebook, and send the picture files to me if you want them to be featured on my weekly reflections: essex.masqueATgmailDOTcom

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