Thursday, 27 August 2015

Gold Rush - Reflection on Week 31 of 52

Okay, we didn't need to hike the Chilkoot Pass or dig anywhere in the mountains - I don't event know what the closest thing we have to a mountain, Mic Mac? - but the #52weeksofWE challengers hit on the mother-load this week. There were some absolutely beautiful shots, inspired by the following description for the Gold Rush week:
There is nothing like the feeling of being out with your camera when the sun has reached that point in its descent where everything is lit with golden fire. That was definitely the case in the fall when I took this picture, but this time is no less dramatic in the early days of August. Even though I mentioned the sun, these are not necessarily sunset shots – but rather pictures of things turned gold by the closing of the day. So let us be positive, and all hope that I feel better soon! And take some pictures while we are hoping. Also, if you just like gold itself, feel free to snap a shot of that.

With camera pick-axes in hand, and digital editing panning trays - are you getting sick questionable gold prospecting allusions yet? - we found gold everywhere. In our flowers, on the back of boats, on the wings of butterflies, and along the riverside. I must say that I was most impressed with Lupita's flower, that is featured first in the following shots.
"Golden Flower" by Lupita Amaya G.
"Butterfly1" by April Particelli
"Golden Morning" by Steve Biro
"The sun was so orange this morning" by Shari
"Untitled" by Laura Arce
"Princess Boat" by Lupita Amaya G.

Thank you for such an amazing week in Windsor - Essex #YQG. Check out the newest weeks, where we celebrate both Fun - who couldn't really? - and Low Points of View on the Flickr site, but also to be featured on this blog soon. Also check out the newest edition to this blog, the Photographic Tale of the Week which celebrates the photographers / storytellers at my Flickr group, Pictures with a Story.
We are in a tight spot this week, with week 34 - A Tight Squeeze. Check out the description here.

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