Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Photographic Tale of the Week - "the monster"

"the monster" by Maria Nino      

Before I share the first photograph that will be featured as the Photographic Tale of the Week, I will once again outline what I am going to do. As I mentioned on the Flickr group, I would like to select and celebrate a photo each week - now to be posted Mondays instead of Fridays - that is not only a beautifully composed work of art (this week's photo being a very good example of this) but also one that has a deep textual meditation attached to it, an especially touching story, a powerfully written poetic work, or an amusing anecdote. 

I hope you enjoy all these wonderful artists. I also hope you are inspired  to compose more beautiful shots and to share more touching stories having experienced the Photographic Tale of the Week, and the Pictures with a Story Flickr group. I certainly have been inspired moderating this group. 

Please enjoy Maria Nino's "the monster" (above) and her words about death (below). Please, also read her biography and follow the links to her other works.

Recollections on death

The word 'death' is associated with fear, obscurity and deep sadness. The theme of death is taboo. I remember some episodes in my life when I used in conversation such words as death, die, tombstone with which I easily put my interlocutors into confusion. One day I was even given a reproach, telling that these words are kind of forbidden and shouldn't be said aloud. I remember I was deeply confused by this reproach as when you look at the history of mankind it becomes obvious that birth and death are natural and essential parts of any life.

Fear of death is evident. Here I am and here I stop existing. What has changed? Was there a slightest sense in everything I've done? Is there a meaning of life?

I have heard about death in my childhood. I realized that for every beginning there is an end, I have seen the reports about famous people' death, at last I have seen cats shook down on the roads. But still death was away from me. The first time I faced it was at the age of 10 when my father passed away unexpectedly. Just before it happened he said goodbye to me for a longer time than usual as he went for a walk. He has never came back.

The comprehension of what had happened came later. The death acquaintances astonished me. I still remember the fear gripping me. The fact that we are mortal and so weak shocked me. Then came sadness and sorrow from the fact that we can lose our beloved and one day pass away as well. Fourteen years has passed but there is no day I haven't thought about death. And I know that many people are afraid of it the same as me, because it is something unexplored and unpredictable. It is something that can not be planned. Moreover, it is impossible to know what will be further if ever there will be something.

It can be seen from the side as if I am disenchanted by life, but is untrue. I admire life and am happy for the ability to feel and live. One can suppose that I am dreaming of immortality, but that is untrue again. Immortality would be punishment for me.

The fact that each of us has certain years given makes our life and its meaning the highest value. There is life given. Sooner of later it will come to an end. It is inevitable. There is only one question left, concerning the meaning of life. How to spend the years given? One decides on his own. There is no universal meaning, but one can fulfill has life with sense. Devote oneself to something, experience something, share something. Only when you realize that everything comes to an end, your beginning and the path called life gains the deepest meaning. It can be seen that each of us is living in a personally created myth. A life-long myth.

And now, Maria's biography: 
Maria Nino is a fine art photographer from Surgut, Russia. She began taking pictures in May 2011 and went immediately into conceptual photography. Her goal is to share her art, point of view and evoke emotions of the viewers. Mari Nino's pictures show her world perception and deepest dreams. The artist also writes essays that cast light on themes of the picture she creates (for instance, such essays as ‘3 things never late to learn’, ‘debates on talent’, ‘5 ways to live a happy life’, etc) that can be seen on her blog -

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