Thursday, 12 November 2015

Patterns Exploded - Catching up with Weeks 36 through 44

"Bee on Wild Flowers" by Paul Thibodeau

My work life tends to revolve around penciled out lists of tasks to accomplish, some scratched out and others left incomplete and unmarred. The pages of my notebooks over the past couple of years are filled with them so that you would think I did little else other than remind myself of what I need to do. Don’t let that give you the impression that I am organized to the point of being an exceptionally productive member of society. 

Productive maybe, but not exceptionally so.

All lists were thrown out the window nearly six weeks ago when the pregnancy related discomfort, false labour, and the consistent concern that our fourth would be born on any day kept me busy at home. Our wee bundle of joy arrived on Thanksgiving Day

Also, the challenger photographs continue to roll in and I have been able to only skimp my responsibility for one week. Next to the continued good health of my baby, the great support from grandparents, the understanding of work, and the fact that the two deer we hit with the car on our way home late from the hospital did not go through the windshield, watching the great shots come in of flowers, challengers personal favourites, and the newer themes have made an overwhelmingly stressful couple of month and a half more palatable. 

So instead of featuring a bunch of shots from everything I have missed, I am going to pick one especially enjoyable picture from each week. Also, selfishly, I will include the ones I contributed. Don't worry, these weren't many.

Thank you, and I am happy you continue to enjoy the #52weeksofWE photo challenge.
Blissfully unaware of what was on its way, week 36 was Pattern Recognition - you can find the description here

"Untitled" by Laura Arce
Week 37 was Add Some Flower - a greatly popular theme that saw many beautiful shots. Here are a few.
"Summer's Dying Days" by Paul Thibodeau

"Untitled" by April Particelli
"Untitled" by Laura Arce
Have a favourite thing? Shoot it! Here is the description for A Few of Our Favourite Things, weeks 38 and 39.

"September11" by April Particelli
Week 40 was my overly convoluted, "creative" title Windows are the Eyes to our Houses.
"Windows" by Paul Thibodeau
And the signal to my triumphant return to photo challenge consistency, Make Like a Tree which deserves several featured photos.
"Wire and branch, bard and leaf" by Patrick Firth

"Finding Autumn's Glow" by April Particelli

"Twisted Tree" by Laura Arce
And, finally, those more photogenic aspects of Worship was week 44. 
"Autumn Church Path" by Patrick Firth

"Storefront Idols" by Paul Thibodeau
Join us capturing dragons and goblins in Windsor - Essex, as well as some Halloween leftovers, in this week's theme - Windsor Fantastic. Check all the other photos and various other communications from the Essex Masque my various other platforms.

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